Monday, October 8, 2012

The Womynkind Principles

These are the principles that I live by . Each day I will post one principle , and elaborate on the meaning in my life . There are 9 principles , so get ready !

# 1 . That violence against womyn is the MOST serious problem facing society today , and that other issues of prejudice or abuse can NOT be resolved until we solve this problem . It is dogma that we view the abuse of womyn as a world-wide epidemic that cuts across ALL boundaries of culture , class , religions and race .

My Comment ; Violence against womyn is really not on many peoples radar today . I wonder if it has stopped ! Was I sleeping ? Did I miss the end of this violence ? I know it's not gone , and it's getting worse instead of better . Try and tell people that , and you suddenly have three heads , and don't know what you're talking about . The backlash is devastating . When I first stared touring with my educational work about this violence , the O.J. Simpson trial put the spotlight on this issue . Now , today no one wants to hear about it . I can't give my work away ! Do you realize that we're back in the 1950's in our thinking about womyn ? We're about to lose what we gained from the 2nd wave feminists ; ABORTION RIGHTS !!!!! We still only make 77 cents on the dollar to men ! Where is N.O.W and every womyn who cares about these issues ! It's silent , and we know from the past that Silence is the biggest KILLER of womyn . Until womyn are EQUAL to men , in EVERY WAY ,
violence will never stop .  We will never stop the abuse of anyone , until we stop abusing WOMYN .
Are there any womyn out there who care enough about our future to start screaming as loud as you can , and BREAK THE SILENCE that continues to KILL 10 womyn every day in the U. S. alone !
WAKE UP , there's a WAR ON WOMYN ,  and it's worth FIGHTING .

1 comment:

  1. The "third wave" of feminists, who cajoled and compromised with "liberal" men in an attempt to get them to help in this fight - have failed miserably. Time to get back to feminist basics ladies! You are on your own.
