Saturday, October 20, 2012

Principle # 9 . continued ,

# 5 . FAMILY VALUES - The destruction of the traditional family is a GOOD thing . The current propaganda that tries to place the responsibility for an immoral society on Feminists ideas is a LIE . In its relationship to Womyn , society has never been moral . The " nuclear family " blew up on it's own accord . The suffering that womyn and children are experiencing in modern society is the result of MANS ever increasingly cruel and desperate attempt to re-enslave their " property " , which revolted after centuries of inhumane treatment . Alternative relationships and "families " should be encouraged at every opportunity . Traditional ideas of marriage and gender roles should be discouraged , ridiculed and undermined . Although Womyn should be encouraged to make their own " choices " , this does not imply that ALL choices Womyn make within the MALE system help to promote the cause of freedom for all womyn .

My Comment ; The only thing that Feminists are guilty of in regards to marriage is giving womyn a
CHOICE . GOD FORBID that womyn have REAL choices . But let me tell you that if you don't choose MARRIAGE and MOTHERHOOD you are in for a bumpy ride . Still today , maybe even more so , no matter what you accomplish in your life , if you're not a wife and mother YOU ARE next to NOTHING .  They still today use such terms for " unmarried " womyn as SPINSTER , OLD MAID , UNDESIRABLE , and " NOT GOOD MARRIAGE MATERIAL " . If you CHOOSE to live with someone , instead of getting married , you are SHACKING - UP . If you have children  without marriage , you are an UN - WED mother and a SLUT ! Your child is called ILLEGITIMATE , and a BASTARD ! Tell me it's not a MANS world . If it wasn't , no WOMYN would stand for this kind of treatment . I've tried BOTH , marriage and living with my partner . I definitely prefer the latter . That piece of paper CHANGES everything . When you sign that certificate you hand over your POWER . I now have grandchildren . In a conversation with my FIRST granddaughter about MEN and MARRIAGE I said , men have ONE brain cell and they all SHARE it , and when you are older I'll tell you where it is , and that marriage is for MEN . AAH!!! WISDOM ! PASS IT ON !   

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