Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Principle # 3 . That under NO circumstances is it a womyn's FAULT or RESPONSIBILITY for this abuse . The Only obligation that womyn have is to UNITE to FIGHT against this ABUSE .

My comment ; I am so sick and tired of blaming the victim ! She does not want it , like it , or ask for it . Get that thru your thick heads ! The poor man , she must have done something to set him off . Abusers don't have , or need a motive . They beat womyn because they can . There are no consequences . Society blames the womyn . I always wondered why we put her , and the children in a shelter , and let him stay at home , like nothing happened . Who's getting punished here ? Not him .
I always thought that they should put him in the shelter  ( after putting his name in the news ) , and let her remain home with the kids . Makes good sense to me . If he needs to work to support the family , then put an ankle bracelet on him to monitor his movements , and protect his wife , and let him continue to work . Over the past 20yrs. men have successfully convinced women not to stick together , and not support other women , especially feminists like me .  Womyn's centers are closing down in colleges and elsewhere , or they have become Wo/men's Centers ! Get it ? PLEASE ! Womyn's Studies have become Gender Studies , with male professor's as director's . What's wrong with this picture . Womyn , please wake up and unite to stop this ridiculous takeover . Let's get back to telling the truth about violence from the only voices I want to hear , WOMYN's ! 

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