Thursday, November 14, 2013

Marissa Alexander: Banned from Justice

After recieving relentless abuse from the man who claimed to "love" her. Marissa Alexander finally had enough. Marissa, 33, is charged with 3 counts of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon -- because she fired a warning shot in the direction of the abusive animal. She fired a bullet into the wall, to prevent him from furthur abusing her. Although nobody was injured, she, was still sentenced to a mandatory 20 years in PRISON. She remains in jail, while her abusive husband is free -- and probably cheating on her with another woman he's soon to abuse.

This is yet another example of the racist, misogynist legal system in the United States. Why are racism and sexism legal? Why is it okay for every minority (with the exclusion of blacks) to abuse the system? Why is it okay, for a man to unjustly assume power over a woman? The legal system has aided these CRIMINIALS in the crimes they commit, by allowing them to be set free.

  1. George Zimmerman (Shot a 17 year-old black boy, based on his racial profile. Set free)
  2. Stacey Rambold (Rapes female student, spends ONE month in jail. Set free. [victim commits suicide.])
  3. Julio Morales (Raped an unmarried woman, sentenced to 3 years n prison. Set free.)
These are only a few examples of what I have as evidence of a racist, misogynistic legal system, of which is abused and manipulated to strike fear into the hearts and minds of women and blacks, that they'd better keep their distance, or they're bound to be abused. I'm black, and female; so where does that leave me? This is my reason to riot, to protest. Why should we sit idly by, whle our freedoms and liberties are being chipped away at like coal?

But preventative measures right? While the law protects all other citizens, it is strictly our responsibility to protect ourselves and each other, to protect ourselves while people are coming after us with fire and torches... Legally. She had a permit, and she took the necessary classes to obtain her weapon. Even though women are SEVERELY disadvantaged by the system, it is often passed of because hey, "That's just the system". These are the things that we're supposed to accept as justice. The justice that hates us. The message that the "law" gives to Marissa? Don't stand your ground.

The same people who are being made aware of these issues, are the same ones that tell us "stop playing the victim", "you just want sypmathy". So we leave our position on those issues behind. We toughen up, and in defending ourselves, we are deemed violent criminals who don't deserve human rights. Why is Marissa behind bars? Because she took preventitive measures to protect herself, and stood her ground. Justice right? But what for? What is the purpose of this abuse? For you to excerise your power? We understand that you have it.

Make them hear us. Marissa's next trial is scheduled for January 15th. Upload photos in support of Marissa to your social media. Make videos. Make pictures. Write blogs. Post podcasts. They can't hold us down forever (unless we let them). You can use the resources below to cover the eentire subject.

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